Welcome to Ethnodrama

We explore the different types of theatre and drama around the world.

Our goal

Is not to come up with universal principles which can apply everywhere, but to seek ways to understand the unique qualities of each kind of drama. We also seek to find ways to encourage different forms of theatre and to find ways to communicate within those established forms

Making Disciples Around the World Using Drama, Music and Worship

We help Christians

Grow deeper in their walk, having a more vital, vibrant worship of God, resulting in drawing unbelievers into the journey toward Christ-discipleship.

We train

Church planters in culturally-effective arts and worship.

We perform

For outreach and teaching (evangelistic events, church conferences, worship services, etc).

We work in partnership

With national church leaders/ workers, developing indigenous worship and drama for effective discipleship.

We affirm people

In their own culture and way of expression, because the indigenous culture is the best way to communicate.

We train leaders

To continue the training and discipleship process within their own areas of influence.